Welcome to the Community Clean Up page!
Here you’ll find all of the information and resources you’ll need to organize a cleanup event in your community!
As Covid-19 restrictions and guidance lessen in our region, we encourage you to still keep health and safety in mind as you organize and/or participate in cleanups! Clean Fairfax isn’t liable for illness after community led events.

Who Can Clean Up?
We invite any individuals, schools, community groups, businesses or others who want to help join us in cleaning up Fairfax County! Please explore the resources which best match your group below to learn how to get involved in a cleanup!
Student Volunteers
Are you a student looking for community service hours? Click here for more information.
Community Groups
Are you an individual or group looking to organize a cleanup in your community? Click here for more information.
Corporate Opportunities
Are you a business looking to organize a corporate cleanup event? Click here for more information.

General Clean Up Guidance
We cannot assign groups to specific sites for cleanups, but there are many littered areas across Fairfax County that need attention! We encourage you to drive around your neighborhood, school, or business community to look for sites that might work for your group. Be sure to contact any property owners or managers to receive permission to clean up on their land, if necessary.
Prioritize safety for you and your group! Do not pick up any sharp or dangerous objects, do not work on major roadways, be aware of weather changes and ensure temperatures are safe for your cleanup.
Park Cleanups
If you would like to clean up a park in Fairfax County, please contact Fairfax County Park Authority for permission and supplies.
Some important things to remember
- If you order cleanup supplies from us, they can be picked up at your local district supervisor’s office or at Government Center.
Note: We still need 10 business days to get them to you! - If you plan to provide food and/or water for your cleanup, please consider how you can limit your plastic waste and actively discourage single-use plastic water bottles!
- Make a plan to take your trash with you and put in your business dumpster or home trash cans/dumpster to be picked up by your hauler. Do not leave trash bags in parks, along the side of the road, or anywhere else except in a trash can or dumpster. Do not call or email us after your clean up telling us where you left your bags.
- Following your cleanup, don’t forget to fill out a Clean Up Report to let us know how it went!

Request Supplies from Clean Fairfax!
Thousands of volunteers participate in cleanups each year, we invite you to join or plan your own!
Please see the resources above for how to plan a cleanup. If you need supplies, you may fill out the form below. We will fill your order and send the supplies to the district office nearest you or directly to a public school. If you are not sure where your local district office is, you can consult this map (the pink dots are district offices).
We will send supplies on a first come, first serve basis, and all supplies are free of charge! These supplies include 30 gallon trash bags, clear bags for recyclables (upon request), reusable gloves, safety vests (upon request), safety tips, and any other supplies that we might have to support the cleanup. We will fill every order to the best of our ability depending on quantities available. Please allow us 10 business days to get supplies to you, this is imperative! Thank you!
After Your Clean Up…
PLEASE SAVE AND RE-USE YOUR VESTS AND GLOVES! (The gloves can go right in the washing machine!)
We’d love to hear how your clean up went! Please fill out a Clean Up Report to let us know how many volunteers you had, and how many bags of trash you picked up, as well as any other information you’d like to share. Knowing how much trash volunteers are picking up helps us when requesting funding, which in turn allows us to provide these services & supplies to the community, free of charge! Thanks!
Additional Resources
Clean Fairfax Council
12000 Government Center Parkway
Suite 458
Fairfax, VA 22035
571-338-6710 • community@cleanfairfax.org