It is important to help children understand WHY we reduce, reuse, and recycle. Kids, and adults, prefer to understand the framework of problems rather than being told the end result. For example, the fact plastic comes from oil, a nonrenewable resource, and is difficult and expensive to recycle.
Clean Fairfax is a small but passionate organization, and unfortunately cannot be in every school in the county to spread the word of the Three Rs (Reduce Reuse Recycle). This webpage aims to assist teachers as sustainability advocates in and outside of the classroom. If you have questions or suggestions, please email us at cfc@cleanfairfax.org.
Virtual Content:
Here are a list of various quick online references for teachers and students that include environmental YouTube videos and online games.
Scroll down this page or click the section below to jump to age-specific content!
Spotlight #1:
Check out this whole series to help kids understand the impact of plastic pollution with hands-on activities and special features!
Spotlight #2:
GreenBeats℠ is a WHRO-produced series of animated shorts that focuses on critical environmental issues and themes. The 10-part series promotes environmental education and stewardship and is targeted toward children grades 3 through 5. Visit their website here!

For Students
Elementary School:
- Plastic Bags are Bad (animated, kids YouTube)
- Recycling video game (National Geographic Kids)
- Recycling for Kids (animated, short YouTube)
- Polly the Plastic Bag (animated, short YouTube)
Middle School:
High School:
Classroom Resources—For Educators:
Search by grade, topic, and/or resource type.
Search by grade level (K-12) and subject.
Find environmental education (EE) definitions, resources, trainings, lesson plans, and more.
Find education materials, field experience ideas, Junior and Teacher Ranger programs, and more.
Find an array of environmental and science based lesson plans, resources, activities and ideas from EPA, other federal agencies, and external organizations. Encontrar recursos para estudiantes y maestros.
Find information on the Chesapeake Bay watershed, the science of wastewater, and urban forestry, as well as field trips and science experiment ideas.
Find information specific to Fairfax County’s watershed, including lab ideas and in-person educational programs.
Fairfax County Recycling
Browse information on recycling in Fairfax County, including: fact sheets, flow charts, and multilingual resources.
Choose from a library of independent films covering a wide array of environmental topics.
For Parents:
And don’t forget! You can arrange a school clean up with help from Clean Fairfax here, and check out our blog or Facebook for environmental news, upcoming events, and fun environmental tips.