Welcome Student Volunteers!
We’re glad you’re here! We always need young environmental stewards like you to lead the way for your community. If you would like to organize a cleanup for community service or volunteer hours, please make sure you look at the guidelines for working with Clean Fairfax below.

Student Community Service Guidelines
Some Important Things to Know
- Please contact us first before beginning your service project. We will not be able to sign off on hours without you contacting us in advance! You may email us at community@cleanfairfax.org
- If you are under 18, be sure to have a parent or guardian sign off on volunteer agreement waiver (linked below).
- As noted in the community service guidelines document, if you are requesting additional service hours or completing this project for an Honor Society, an Eagle Scout or Gold Award, or a Senior Project, we would like you to develop a more complex project. Reach out to us with your ideas!
- If you need supplies, you may request them from us. We can send them to your local district office or to your school for pickup!
- Plan ahead! Know when your hours are due—your emergency is not our emergency!
Additional Resources