The Clean Streams Program (formerly, Clean Streams Initiative) began as a program with the local environmental community to quantify litter pollution, clean up Fairfax streams, and generate creative and sustainable ways to reduce the amount of litter in Fairfax’s streams through outreach and education to the public. The Initiative has worked closely with:
- Little Hunting Creek: The Community Preservation and Development Corporation, young people from the community, and residents from Creekside Village work with us to monitor and clean up the trash coming from local apartments, which are classified as a High Density Residential area.
- Pohick Creek: The Mason Neck Lions and residents of Pohick Square Apartments monitor and clean up the trash from a set of apartments, which are classified as a Medium Density Residential area.
- Quander Brook: Friends of Quander Brook count litter and clean it up behind the Kings Crossing Shopping Center, our Commercial site.
- Little Rocky Run: Friends of Little Rocky Run collaborate with Clean Fairfax to monitor and clean up trash coming from single-family homes at this Low Density Residential site.
- Holmes Run: Friends of Luria Park help monitor the trash from both single-family homes and a nearby school. The Soil and Water Conservation District and local school children keep it clean!
The Clean Streams Program has since evolved to capture even more descriptive data on litter in Fairfax County streams through a formal partnership with the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services (DPWES) Stormwater Planning Division. Specifically, the program works to fulfill a piece of the County’s MS4 (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) five-year permit. This permit pertains to untreated water that is runoff into streams due to rainstorms, not from wastewater pipes or treatment plants (for more information about the MS4 permit in Fairfax County, visit Public Works site). Through this collaboration, the Clean Streams Initiative has generated robust database of litter collection, characterization, and change over time at five sites across the County for nearly a decade, supporting the educational, outreach, and advocacy work that Clean Fairfax does.
Read on about our collaboration with DPWES below.