
The Case for Reusable Water Bottles:

America Recycles Day is coming on November 15! We all know that single-use water bottles are terrible for the environment. The statistics are staggering:  According to National Geographic, Americans buy more bottled water than any other nation in the world, adding 29 billion water bottles to waste disposal. Additionally, in order to make all these

by Clean Fairfax October 19, 2016
Market for “Dead” Markers

When was the last time you used a marker? Was it a washable marker to create a sign? A highlighter to help you remember some information on the page? A permanent marker to label your moving boxes? Or was it a dry erase marker to use on a whiteboard? And how quickly does that marker

by Clean Fairfax October 11, 2016
Human Body As Model Recycler

Wow! Even human cells recycle! Our own bodies turn out to be excellent models of the reduce, reuse, and recycle process. Check it out here: Nobel Prize in medicine awarded to Japan’s Yoshinori Ohsumi for work on ‘cell recycling’    

by Clean Fairfax October 6, 2016
America Recycles Day: A Call to Action

America Recycles Day, Keep America Beautiful’s nationally recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling, is November 15 this year. Living in Fairfax County, where we have curbside recycling, it is easy to assume that the U.S. is a leader in recycling. In fact, the U.S. falls behind many other nations, with Americans recycling only 34 percent

by Clean Fairfax October 4, 2016
To tote or not to tote?

They’re green in principle, but not in the way people use them.  While many people have made the move to reusable bags, there is still some debate about whether these are, in fact, better than paper or plastic. Some studies suggest that it takes more energy to produce reusable bags, and that a large portion of those

by Clean Fairfax September 20, 2016
Bag It: Is Your Life Too Plastic?

If your honest answer is “yes,” consider attending the following: Sierra Club—Great Falls, Northern VA Chapter invites you to see BAG IT, an award-winning documentary about the effects of plastics on our personal health & the environment. It is the story of a man who makes a pledge to stop using plastic bags at the grocery store and how

by Clean Fairfax September 13, 2016
Clean Fairfax Reusable Bag Giveaway!

Clean Fairfax Reusable Bag Giveaway! The first 50 people who sign up to become a National Wildlife Federation (NWF)EcoLeader  will receive a free reusable Clean Fairfax shopping bag. The bags can be used when you are grocery shopping, storing materials, or traveling. It is also be shaped into a small ball, so you can store

by Hala Elbarmil December 2, 2015
Environmental News Roundup – October 14, 2015

Environmental News Roundup – October 14, 2015 Big Apple-based Big Farms growing greenhouse in Culpeper BrightFarms, a greenhouse aquaponics developer, has opened its doors to the public in Culpepper County, Virginia. This project has increased the production of local produce and 24 new jobs. Most of our produce comes from California, Florida, Arizona, Mexico, and

by Hala Elbarmil October 14, 2015
Digital Responsibility is Offering an Environmental Scholarship

Digital Responsibility is Offering an Environmental Scholarship Our friends at Digital Responsibility are offering a $1,000 E-waste scholarship to high school, college, and graduate students, who are interested in the environment. “The purpose of this scholarship is to help you understand the impact of e-waste and what can be done to reduce e-waste” (Digital Responsibility).

by Hala Elbarmil April 7, 2015
2015 SpringFest

Mark your calendars! As the warmer weather creeps up, it’s a nice time to come by and enjoy SpringFest!

by Hala Elbarmil March 27, 2015