
Calling All Volunteers!

We want to call attention to a number of exciting opportunities and requests related to litter clean up throughout the greater Fairfax community:   Are you looking to join an organized clean up? Clean Fairfax is hosting a community stream clean up in Bailey’s Crossroads on November 9th. If you’re interested in volunteering for the

by Zach Huntington October 7, 2019
Zero Waste Outdoors

As the weather begins to cool and you’re looking for some late season paddling, camping, or hiking to see the leaves changing colors, a little upfront planning can make your trip both zero waste and lots of fun. I spend a lot of time looking for adventure while paddling on the Potomac or walking Shenandoah

by Zach Huntington October 2, 2019

Clean Fairfax is proud to introduce Litter Free Virginia, an initiative to fight for litter prevention legislation across the state of Virginia! At its core, Litter Free Virginia is a coalition of people and organizations (non-profits, businesses and more) that are frustrated with litter and waste management issues, and want to develop and support policies

by Clean Fairfax November 1, 2018
Don’t Just Walk By That Piece of Trash!

We all do it, probably on a hourly/daily basis. There’s a fast food cup nestled on the bed of grass next to the sidewalk, or a Snickers wrapper blowing down the street towards the cul-de-sac. You shake your head disapprovingly, but walk by without picking it up. You think, “I’m not touching that — who

by Clean Fairfax June 12, 2018
The Dangers of Micro-Beads

Plastic is plaguing our environment. It comes in all sizes and forms, but the smallest types are called microplastic. Microplastic is defined as “extremely small pieces of plastic debris in the environment resulting from the disposal and breakdown of consumer products and industrial waste.” (US Department of Commerce) We know that microplastic comes from various

by Ayleah Hanton March 26, 2018
China and Recycling in Fairfax County

A successful recycling program is a constant balancing act of supply and demand. It depends not only on input—people choosing to recycle and recycling appropriately— but also on output, a market for the recycled materials. Ironically, China’s move to go green, a proposal to improve its air quality problem by stopping the import of a number of

by Clean Fairfax September 7, 2017
What’s for lunch?

As children head back to school, it is easy for parents to get into what I call the “fast and furious” mode, particularly when it comes to packing lunches. Although the school year pace often feels frenetic, we all want our children to get the healthiest food. That may take some careful thinking. Now is

by Clean Fairfax August 22, 2017
Spotlight on Eco-Friendly Business: THE INSIDE SCOOP

The Inside Scoop                Owner: Daniel Azar Opened for business: 2/14/2014 The Inside Scoop, a local food truck selling organic homemade ice cream and treats, made some eco-friendly changes after participating in Clean Fairfax’s SpringFest, an annual celebration of Earth Day that encourages sustainable practices. According to owner Daniel Azar,

by Clean Fairfax August 15, 2017
Why plastic bag bans or taxes haven’t happened in Fairfax County

As I distribute reusable produce and tote bags at the Fairfax County Farmers Markets during National Farmers Market Week, I often get asked about why Fairfax County has not banned plastic bags or taxed their use like many other jurisdictions around the world. The first problem is that many people are not aware of the

by Clean Fairfax August 8, 2017
Prime-time for Farmers Markets: Lots of Fresh Produce and Special Events

July and August are definitely the best months to get to the Farmers Markets in this area. According to the Virginia Harvest Calendar published by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services this is when most of the produce is being harvested, so you will find great abundance and variety at the Farmers

by Clean Fairfax July 27, 2017