
Combating the Plastic Crisis!

The plastic crisis is not all doom and gloom, even with the uncertainties caused by the Covid pandemic, there are positive steps to reduce plastic waste happening right now! Maryland Styrofoam Foodware Ban: As of October, 1st, expanded polystyrene (EPS), commonly referred to as Styrofoam, food and beverage containers are banned in Maryland! For anyone

by Zach Huntington October 15, 2020
Solutions to the Plastic Crisis!

Yesterday, along with constituents of Virginia’s 10th congressional district, we met virtually with a staffer from Congresswoman Wexton’s office to discuss the problems we all face everyday with plastic waste and the importance of the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act (BFFPPA). Today we thought we’d share some more information about why this bill is

by Zach Huntington October 8, 2020
News Round Up!

With so much going on around the world we wanted to give you a midweek news roundup! (Plus we would like not all our posts to get lost at Facebook!)  Virginia has joined Maryland, Delaware, and DC in suing the EPA, stating that the EPA has not held other Chesapeake Watershed states accountable for their

by Zach Huntington September 10, 2020
Upper Long Branch Stream Clean Up!

Are you looking for a way serve your community and get outside? This Saturday we’ll be on Upper Long Branch in Bailey’s Crossroads hosting our final sponsored community clean up of the calendar year. This is a great opportunity for kids that need community service hours for school or anyone who wants to improve the

by Zach Huntington November 7, 2019
Calling All Volunteers!

We want to call attention to a number of exciting opportunities and requests related to litter clean up throughout the greater Fairfax community:   Are you looking to join an organized clean up? Clean Fairfax is hosting a community stream clean up in Bailey’s Crossroads on November 9th. If you’re interested in volunteering for the

by Zach Huntington October 7, 2019
Zero Waste Outdoors

As the weather begins to cool and you’re looking for some late season paddling, camping, or hiking to see the leaves changing colors, a little upfront planning can make your trip both zero waste and lots of fun. I spend a lot of time looking for adventure while paddling on the Potomac or walking Shenandoah

by Zach Huntington October 2, 2019
Community Involvement

We recently met the outreach coordinator of a local foodbank and she wanted to know how she could help her foodbank lower their environmental footprint. She invited us out to see the foodbank and the first thing we noticed was the incredible work they are doing for their community. They provide food and household products

by Zach Huntington September 26, 2019
Don’t Just Walk By That Piece of Trash!

We all do it, probably on a hourly/daily basis. There’s a fast food cup nestled on the bed of grass next to the sidewalk, or a Snickers wrapper blowing down the street towards the cul-de-sac. You shake your head disapprovingly, but walk by without picking it up. You think, “I’m not touching that — who

by Clean Fairfax June 12, 2018
The Dangers of Micro-Beads

Plastic is plaguing our environment. It comes in all sizes and forms, but the smallest types are called microplastic. Microplastic is defined as “extremely small pieces of plastic debris in the environment resulting from the disposal and breakdown of consumer products and industrial waste.” (US Department of Commerce) We know that microplastic comes from various

by Ayleah Hanton March 26, 2018
What is stopping you from recycling?

In 2018, people understand the need to recycle. We understand that sustainability is important and that rapid change is needed, but little headway has been made. Why is change so difficult? Why do we still litter and refuse to recycle? The HuffPost explores this phenomenon in the article “The Psychology Behind Why People Don’t Recycle”.

by Ayleah Hanton March 14, 2018