Environmental News

Conservation Assistance Program

Conservation Assistance Program Funding Assistance for Conservation Work on Homeowner and Community Association Property Have you ever thought about improving your community’s common lands by installing a rain garden to capture runoff, incorporating native meadow or tree and shrub species into your landscaping, or even installing porous pavers on a portion of your parking lot?

by Hala Elbarmil March 6, 2015
Article Roundup: 10 Nutty Facts about Squirrels

Squirrels have been around for ages. . . and they are EVERYWHERE. Yet, not many people know much about these furry little creatures. A blog released by the National Wildlife Federation (NWF), includes 10 nutty facts about squirrels. Squirrels can find food buried beneath a foot of snow. A squirrel’s front teeth never stop growing.

by Hala Elbarmil March 1, 2015