climate change

Banks Say No, Mapping Bee Populations, and Clean Fairfax on a Podcast!

The fight against Arctic Drilling: Let’s start December off with some good news- Every major bank has ruled out funding drilling for fossil fuels in the Arctic! The threat of Arctic drilling still exists, but this is definitely a victory that can be celebrated. Last week we shared a story about drilling lease auctions beginning

by Zach Huntington December 1, 2020
America Recycles, but its Corporate Sponsors Don’t

“America Recycles Day” was last Saturday. Recycling is a good thing to do, it has a place in a circular, zero waste society, but it is by no means the answer. There’s a reason it comes at the end of the 5 R’s- Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Rot, Recycle. We cannot recycle our way out of

by Zach Huntington November 19, 2020
Renewable energy for a green recovery

On Tuesday we shared a story about why a green recovery is necessary to protect human health and promote a more equitable economy. Today we wanted to share a few stories about the green recovery in action and what it could look like on a large scale.  Globally, renewable energy sources are likely to become

by Zach Huntington November 12, 2020
Greenwashing All-Stars

We mention the term greenwashing a lot and it is possible folks don’t always know what we’re talking about, it’s whitewashing, but for the environment. It is deliberately trying to conceal unpleasant facts- a cover up, or to sweep something under the rug by making something seem more environmentally friendly than it really is, in

by Zach Huntington November 5, 2020
Protecting local communities, fossil fuel expansion plans, and a new reef!

Brown Grove, Virginia Needs Help: About 90 miles from Fairfax, the community of Brown Grove, VA is under threat from expanded industrial activity. This community was established over 150 years ago by formerly enslaved men and women who united to form a community that has struggled to remain intact in the face of big business.

by Zach Huntington October 29, 2020
The End of Coal, Musky, and Beavers!

To get everyone ready for the weekend, we wanted to share some good environmental news. There are serious environmental issues that must be dealt with, but we can still celebrate good things that have happened. The End of Coal: The push to end the use of coal power just got another significant backer, General Electric.

by Zach Huntington September 26, 2020
Facebook, Chemical Recycling, and Federal Legislation

Facebook Suspends Environmental Groups: Have you wondered why we’re giving you news this way instead of daily on Facebook? Facebook recently made an announcement about being, “committed to tackling climate misinformation” and then immediately suspended the accounts of environmental groups who are actively working to protect people and communities against climate change. The timing on

by Zach Huntington September 23, 2020
Fossil Fuel Marketing, National Honey Bee Month, and Avocados!

Last week we shared the NPR and PBS investigation into lies told by the fossil fuel industry, this week let’s look into one of those lies. The idea of the personal “carbon footprint” was an advertising campaign from British Petroleum (BP) complete with their “carbon footprint calculator” to let individuals know how they personally are

by Zach Huntington September 21, 2020
News Round Up- Fossil Fuel Industry Lies, Algal Blooms, and more!

The plastic crisis continues and the fossil fuel industry is doing their best to make sure it doesn’t stop. Here are a few stories to help keep you informed and a tip to make your garden more self sufficient! Those of you who have been following us won’t be surprised by this- the fossil fuel

by Zach Huntington September 16, 2020
News Round Up!

With so much going on around the world we wanted to give you a midweek news roundup! (Plus we would like not all our posts to get lost at Facebook!)  Virginia has joined Maryland, Delaware, and DC in suing the EPA, stating that the EPA has not held other Chesapeake Watershed states accountable for their

by Zach Huntington September 10, 2020