350 Fairfax
350 Fairfax is a grassroots movement in Fairfax County, Virginia, challenging systems that lead to catastrophic climate change. Join them as they work with community members and elected officials to preserve environmental health, conserve resources, and promote social justice.

Alice Ferguson Foundation
Alice Ferguson Foundation‘s mission is to connect people to the natural world, sustainable agricultural practices, and the cultural heritage of their local watershed through education, stewardship, and advocacy. Although based in Maryland, AFF has been supporting Fairfax County based cleanups for decades!

Earth Sangha
Earth Sangha is a nonprofit public charity based in the Washington, DC, region. Their mission is ecological restoration as a form of socially engaged Buddhism. Although they work in the spirit of Buddhist practice, their volunteers come from a wide variety of backgrounds, and their work is secular and science-based.

EcoAction Arlington
EcoAction Arlington protects and improves water, air, and open spaces in the Arlington community and nearby areas by promoting stewardship of our natural resources and connecting all citizens to practical solutions that achieve a sustainable lifestyle.

Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions
Faith Alliance For Climate Solutions unites people of faith to develop local solutions to the climate crisis.

Friends of Accotink Creek
Friends of Accotink Creek is a volunteer organization restoring Accotink Creek to enhance enjoyment of biking, fishing, jogging, walking and bird watching along a major portion of the Cross County Trail.

Friends of Dyke Marsh
Friends of Dyke Marsh is dedicated to preserving, protecting and restoring the Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve, in cooperation with the National Park Service, as a vital wildlife habitat, through education, science and stewardship. Their vision is that Dyke Marsh is once again a healthy, vital, self-sustaining, biodiverse ecosystem.

Friends of Huntley Meadows Park
Friends of Huntley Meadows Park pledges to protect, enhance, and preserve the physical, cultural, and natural heritage of Huntley Meadows Park.

Friends of Little Hunting Creek
Friends of Little Hunting Creek pledges to protect, enhance, and preserve the physical, cultural, and natural heritage of Huntley Meadows Park.

Friends of Mason Neck State Park
Friends of Mason Neck State Park is a Section 501(c)(3) organization that works to conserve, enhance, and interpret the Park’s natural, educational, recreational, cultural and historic resources. They assist the Park Staff in implementing its programs and activities, and we sponsor picnics, hikes, kayak trips, show-and-tell, volunteer activities, and other special events.

Nature Forward
Nature Forward (formerly known as Audubon Naturalist Society) has been helping residents of the DMV enjoy, learn about, and protect nature since 1897. As part of their advocacy and outreach work at state and local levels, Nature Forward co-leads the Fairfax Healthy Communities network, and through their regional school programming and nature field trips, connect people with nature throughout the Capital Region.

Northern Virginia Conservation Trust
Northern Virginia Conservation Trust is a nonprofit organization with the important mission to permanently conserve land in the Northern Virginia region.

Northern Virginia Soil and Water District
Northern Virginia Soil and Water District promotes soil and water conservation in Fairfax County and beyond. They prevent pollution, reduce runoff and protect our streams and rivers by encouraging hands-on conservation, providing technical expertise and developing young environmental leaders.

Operation Stream Shield
Fairfax County Operation Stream Shield is a partnership initiated in 2019 between the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services (DPWES) and the Office to Prevent and End Homelessness (OPEH) to benefit the environment and provide assistance for individuals experiencing homelessness. Operation Stream Shield provides part-time, temporary work experience to guests of the Eleanor U. Kennedy Community Shelter, Bailey’s Crossroads Community Shelter, and The Lamb Center to help improve the water quality of local streams.
The program also helps the county meet its mandate to keep streams clean through the removal of litter and non-native invasive plant species, maintenance of the county’s pedestrian trail system, providing assistance to the county’s Noman M. Cole, Jr., Pollution Control Plant, I66 Transfer Station, and the I95 Landfill Complex, and engaging in assigned special projects as they become available.

Sustainability Matters
Sustainability Matters is a grassroots environmental nonprofit, operating in Virginia’s rural Northern Shenandoah Valley and Piedmont regions, as well as in the DC suburbs. They’re the architect of transformative, scalable projects like Making Trash Bloom (which can be seen across Fairfax County, including at the I-66 Transfer Station), the host of webinars with global reach, and the creator of conservation education videos reaching millions of viewers across social media.