Living Thoughtfully With Less Plastic at Trace
Located in bustling downtown Vienna, Trace – The Zero Waste Store invites you in to investigate their bulk food and refill store. The shop has a sleek boutique-meets-natural-food-co-op ambience that both calms and stimulates. Without the clutter of packaging and plastic, products are displayed artfully yet efficiently. Whether you are a first-time browser or a regular refiller of bottles and jars, friendly staff is there to assist you when desired. Remember to BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag) and containers!
Trace founder, Mala Persaud, is passionate about being part of the plastic pollution solution. After a trip to Belize in 2016 where she saw incredible quantities of plastic bottles, bags, wrappers, and caps strewn across the beautiful landscape, Mala was inspired not only to make a change in her own life, but also to help others. Her store is the embodiment of that intention: to provide healthy, clean products free of plastic ingredients and packaging. Mala is a stellar example of talking the talk AND walking the walk.
About the Store
At Trace, you will find everyday items for your kitchen, bath, and laundry room, as well as fun and cheeky gifts for special people in your life. The bulk food section offers nuts, seeds, grains, and other dry goods with a handy weighing and labeling station. For bath and beauty products, you have many choices for refill items, plus beautiful glass pump bottles for purchase if you forget your own container – as well as a selection of donated containers available for free! The store also carries a number of household cleaning products such as dishwasher detergent, laundry detergent, and surface cleaners. There are refillable personal care products from razors to dental floss.
Many of the items for sale at Trace may seem like novelties to folks who are at the beginning of their journey to reduce plastic waste. Once you try them out, however, you may find that you highly prefer the low-waste lifestyle, and realize that the upfront cost of purchasing a sturdy reusable item more than makes up for the cost and hassle of constantly buying things that you use once and throw away. Additionally, there are numerous products that make excellent gifts: organic cotton tea towels, vegetable-based candles, sustainably sourced chocolates, and artisan olive oils & vinegars to name just a few!
First-time visitors need not feel nervous trying to navigate the store. Friendly staff members are there to walk you through the refill process. They will demonstrate how to use the scale to get a tare weight of your container, fill up, and reweigh to record the product amount. The staff can also explain any unfamiliar products. At checkout, you will be refreshed by a smooth and paperless transaction!

Greater Goals
As part of the mission of Trace, Mala Persaud is dedicated to getting the word out about the importance of reducing plastic waste. She regularly speaks and writes about her work to share her message with the community. Whether she is tabling at community expos, acting as an “Ask Me Anything” recycling expert, or selling sustainable products, she is spreading the word on how people can make changes in their lives that will make a difference. Her efforts were recognized recently with a Fairfax County Environmental Excellence Award in the Organization and Business Category! Congratulations, Mala.
Clean Fairfax is excited to welcome Trace back as a sustainable vendor at our Earth Daze event on April 28, 2024 at Aslin Beer Company in Herndon, VA. Bring your container and reusable bag for all of your refillables!